Episode 5: Goal Setting for Financial Freedom
Nov 28, 2022In this episode, Jolly dives into the goal setting for financial freedom, the power of goals to spur you towards achievement, and the right way to set, and keep working towards, goals.
Setting your goals for financial freedom is the first step in getting clarity around what being financially free would look and feel like for you. Numerous studies have shown that those with goals are outsized more effective at getting what they want and creating the life they desire.
This week's episode is in support of the 8 week More Money Monday Masterclass series starting this week, and you'll want to be clear on what your goals for financial freedom are so you're prepared for the next step-coming up with your magic number, that's how much you'll need to actually create and perpetuate that lifestyle for yourself. More Money Mondays Masterclass (1:30 EST) https://us06web.zoom.us/s/87828810922
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And, if you're interested in working with Jolly to create your own roadmap to financial freedom and learn the skills, habits and mindsets to get you there, check out the Abundantly Infinite Entrepreneur group coaching program, with the support, tools and know-how you need. https://jolly1.mykajabi.com/jolly
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