Episode 1: Chris Jolly's Origin Story
Nov 20, 2022
Meet the creator and host of Pay Yourself First and The Financially Free Entrepreneur podcasts. He's serial entrepreneur and business finance coach, Chris Jolly. In this episode, Jolly introduces himself, and his origin story as an entrepreneur. After starting, growing and building two businesses to profitability, Jolly lost it all -both times, and walked away empty handed. This led to a multi-year path of reading every book he could get his hands on, taking tons of courses, seminars, joining masterminds, receiving tons of coaching - even to plant medicine ceremonies in South America - so he could get a firm grip on the one part of business he was never taught - the financial end.
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And, if you're interested in working with Jolly to create your own roadmap to financial freedom and learn the skills, habits and mindsets to get you there, check out the Abundantly Infinite Entrepreneur group coaching program, with the support, tools and know-how you need. https://jolly1.mykajabi.com/jolly
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